
Wooden heritage

Wooden heritage

The CIS Madeira has been developing actions aimed at the preservation of outstanding elements of historical wooden heritage. These include several initiatives undertaken in collaboration with the Foundation of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

Patrimonio en madera

Under a collaboration agreement signed in 2018, between the Xunta de Galicia (through the Galician Forest Industry Agency and the CIS-Madera) and the Foundation of the Cathedral of Santiago, works have been carried out that allowed the restoration of various elements of the Cathedral, among which we can highlight the interventions carried out in the baldachin of the main chapel, with wooden beams coeval to the original ones; as well as the oak yokes of the bells A Maior and A Prima Salomé, in the Torre das Campás. In addition, work was carried out on the apse chapels at the head of the church (A Branca, Mondragón and O Pilar) and the oak roof of Santa María A Antiga in the chapel of A Corticela was restored.

Other similar initiatives have been developed in various parts of Galicia, within the framework of the collaboration agreement signed between the Regional Ministry of Rural Affairs (through the Galician Forest Industry Agency and the CIS Madeira) and the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities (through the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage) with the aim of promoting actions for the recovery and conservation of wooden structures of the Galician heritage.

By way of example, the following video shows the process of repairing one of the existing beams in the sotocoro of the monastery of Santa María de Xunqueira de Espadanedo, a collaborative work that has made it possible to recover the original view of one of the most interesting polychrome windows in Galicia.