
Valorization of hardwoods

Valorization of hardwoods

The project for the sustainable valorization of hardwood stands in Galicia includes eleven actions aimed at the use of small and low quality stands, so that, through silvicultural operations, they become stands with high quality timber.

Valorization of hardwoods

The project will focus on the use of small and low quality hardwood stands, so that, following the silvicultural models already established by the Consellería do Medio Rural, these stands will become high quality timber stands in the future.

Different technologies and techniques will be used to make the first silvicultural operations viable, in order to evaluate their possible implementation in Galicia. The implementation of this silvicultural activity is essential to obtain high quality native hardwoods in the future, which can be used by the secondary wood processing industry in high value products. In addition, different ways will be studied for the valorization of the products obtained, of small size and low quality, both through conventional transformation processes and through new technologies.

The results obtained in the project will serve as a basis for the elaboration of a "Plan for the Sustainable Valorization of the Wood of Deciduous Hardwoods", which will support the development of an industry based on the use of this autochthonous resource.