
Eguralt Project

Eguralt Project

EGURALT aims to apply and disseminate innovative solutions for the promotion of mid-rise timber construction in the Sudoe area, contributing to the global challenge of combating climate change through the promotion of the use of natural materials from sustainable and renewable sources.

8 beneficiary entities from 6 regions of the Sudoe area have participated. The project has been developed in three areas: the promotion of high-rise wood public housing, the development of new technological products in wood, and the transformation of the wood sector necessary for the change of paradigm of construction in the Sudoe area.

Main contributions:

  • Knowledge exchange between technological centers, public authorities and industry through stakeholder roundtables, study visits.
  • Experimentation of application of new products/processes and dissemination through workshops with industry (particularly in SMEs) to improve the implementation of new solutions with higher added value in their portfolio.
  • Capitalization of knowledge through training dedicated to prescribers of wood in construction, awareness raising among the population and public authorities and international positioning through networks.

Eguralt is a project financed by the Interreg Sudoe Program through the European Regional Development Fund. It has an ERDF budget of €1,011,562.20